Batch Upgrading ZX81s
15 Used ZX81s 800w
Batch of 15 ZX81s to upgrade
6 ZX81 uncased boards 800w
6 boards removed from cases
6 uncased ZX81 boards B 800w
Six boards removed from cases.
screw driver removing regulator 800w
The regulator should be held in a vise. There are two regulator case tabs soldered to the PCB. Genearlly there is sufficient gap to insert a small screwdriver between the bottom of the regulator and the PCB, Use the vaccuum desoldering tool to heat the tab nearest the edge of the PCB. When the solder is molten use a small screww driver to pry the regulator from the PCB.
regulator half removed 800w
ZX81 case bottom CH2 3 800W
regulator remains in vise 800w
desoldering pump 800w
Issue3 ZX81 CH2 3 component side modulator removed 800w
Issue 3 ZX81 Channel 2-3 Component Side. (Modulator removed)
Issue3 ZX81 CH2 3 solder side modulator removed 800w
Issue 3 ZX81 Channel 2-3 Solder Side. (Modulator removed)
Issue One ZX81 Component Side Modulator Removed 800w
ISSUE ONE ZX81 Channel 2-3 omponent Side. (Modulator removed)
Issue One ZX81 Solder Side Modulator Removed 800w
ISSUE ONE ZX81 Channel 2-3 Solder Side. (Modulator removed)
Batch of 15 ZX81s to upgrade
6 boards removed from cases
Six boards removed from cases.
The regulator should be held in a vise. There are two regulator case tabs soldered to the PCB. Genearlly there is sufficient gap to insert a small screwdriver between the bottom of the regulator and the PCB, Use the vaccuum desoldering tool to heat the tab nearest the edge of the PCB. When the solder is molten use a small screww driver to pry the regulator from the PCB.
Issue 3 ZX81 Channel 2-3 Component Side. (Modulator removed)
Issue 3 ZX81 Channel 2-3 Solder Side. (Modulator removed)
ISSUE ONE ZX81 Channel 2-3 omponent Side. (Modulator removed)
ISSUE ONE ZX81 Channel 2-3 Solder Side. (Modulator removed)
Now that I am getting to the end of my ZX81 kit inventory it is time to organize what remains. This includes some new and some used assembled ZX81s including
- some boxes of ZX81s from the Sinclair Repair Center
- some assembled ZX81s new in original retail boxes.
Regarding the ZX81s I have from the Sinclair repair center, I think the best thing to do with them is upgrade them with video adaptors and possibly with internal 16K RAM and possibly a switching regulator.